Jan 16, 2008

raid report: gruul & mag tue-- wait we're doing lurker today too?

Gruul and Mag were 2 shot deals.

The first attempt at Gruul just being very unlucky with the Random Number Generator and having most of our DPS die in the first few shatters. I personally got to enjoy being lobbed into the center of gruul, not being able to see where I was going, but knowing I had to move out as the tanks always charge after being launched and hate being next to anyone else. When I finally got out from underneath him I was next to 3 other DPSers.

Mag we lost our first attempt due to the fact that certain people jumped the gun and clicked early on a rotation. Otherwise it was a pretty standard pew pew pew loot loot loot procedure.

And then I thought we were done. But with ample time leftover we got 2 failed Lurker Attempts in. The first attempt we had one of our sheeping Mages die 3 times in a row due to bad luck his CC target. We ended up wiping that attempt after he died again, and his sheep target went to town. The second time, I died like a newbie right off the bat when transitioning from my lurker DPS spot to an Island DPS spot: I stepped a little TOO close to lurker before he submurged. Ranged dont usually have to worry about threat on Lurker, so when you walk into his melee zone before he submurges as a ranged theres a good chance he will one-shot you. I got hit for some 11k damage, which I could have survived if I ate +sta buff food instead of +dmg buff food. The rest of the attempt deteriorated as other people were making stupid mistakes.

The real downer of the evening was that I used elixirs on Magtheridon and a flask on Lurker. So much wasted consumables.

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