Jan 15, 2008

the raid boss formerly known as prince

Currently known as "that jacakss that will randomly wipe us and theres nothing we can do about it".

Despite the fact we are inches away from breaking into SSC proper, there are still useful items to be found for people in Karazhan. Maybe not gear that they need for boss fights, but Tanks/Healers can always use a DPS set, and DPS can always use a set that isnt saturated with +hit stats when they are just farming or doing 5 mans... and alts need love too!

In a somewhat humbling experience we wiped on Prince.
3 times in a row.
2% 8% and 8%.

On the positive side, when we finally did kill him, we didnt shard a single thing he dropped afterwards.

(This isn't a formal raid report because I was just dragged in on an off day to help some recruits/alts get some gear from Prince before the reset timer.)

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