Dec 12, 2007

raid report: gruul & mag tuesday

Since our primary tank was not on today, our secondary tank got to be the main tank for these fights. We also had to drag in some PVPers to fill in a few slots since as the holidays approach more people log off to go spend time with their families. I know personally this is the last week I can raid, so I want to kill Lurker and Reaver.

Downed maulgar easily, our 3rd warrior tank finally got T4 shoulders to replace his Dungeon set. Downed Gruul with 24 people (somone was AFK for too long and we decided to just go on without them).

Magtheridon was a 2 shot encounter again. The first wipe happened because the main tank died, and then he went and killed me and another cube clicker. Usually when the main tank dies on this guy we all end up wiping but this time somone was able to get aggro on him and get healers before half the Raid wiped so we were only down 3 people. So I ended up wiping the raid by not bothering to tell them that they needed somone to click my cube.

The 2nd shot was a bit more interesting. We had to click the cube one last time when Magtheridon was at 2%. Apparently somone got confused as to which cube they should have been at and their cube was absent for the channeling. A few pulses later 80% of the raid dies and the rest of us burn him down for the last 1%. A lot of people were pissed off but you cant really complain when you get to loot the guy.

The GM was extra happy because this was the first night we were able to farm 6 T4 tokens in a night. I'm extra happy because it means the rest of the 25 man content left for us to do is bosses we haven't killed, which is a lot more fun than killing bosses we have on farm.

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